Flower vases

Original photography

I swear I’m more interesting

But thoughts remain untouched in my mind;

What if they were to become mangled upon speaking?

So I type conversations

That could’ve happened together in person

Because that way I don’t have to witness reactions

I have time to process

Time to think

Space to leave.

Eyes drawn nowhere,

Skittering across dewy propositions.

Gaze for too long and that line of sight will sink,

Sink into muggy hotness and airy beds of repetition.

Original Photography

I search for gold

When sitting in a cave of treasure.

I dream of resting

When I am asleep.

I seek beauty

Despite the vibrance of my possessions.

I want more,

When I have no room.


Tangled branches bear no fruit

For growth is choked into obedience.

Winter gives way to warmth,

But if the frost is too harsh will anything bloom?

Vibrance contained ceases to give light,

It withers and fails, a slave to oppression.

Favour drained becomes nothing more than an action,

Held too tight,

Life turns to rubble.

Ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey- Poem


Lying in the open,

Travelling alongside us

Ripples impact,

Avoiding spotlight

Vivid in their secrecy

Integrated into society

Openly spoken of yet

Leaning on our pillars

Existing through us ,

Newly budded,

Century after century

Ebbing away at our boundaries.

The leaves

The leaves writhed in the morning gale,

Twisting in anguish,

Avoiding change.

Autumn tried to mellow their green hues,

Tried to fill them with the fire of fall;

But the leaves clung desperately to Summer.

They retreated to what they knew-

And so they would,

Until they succumbed to their inevitable change.

Make your mark

“Make your mark.”

Personally, I do not disagree with this statement and it’s values, and yet I cannot help but wonder…

To me, it seems as though when someone says this phrase it is implied that whatever mark you make will stay preserved for ages to come; that if it is of real significance many people after you will grow from it.

This can be true, but more often than not it isn’t.

Clouds make their mark on the world in different ways, rain for example.

But after the downpour what is left?

Sure, puddles and floods, damp stains on concrete; but within an amount of time, these things fade.

This explains my views on what happens when people leave their mark on the world.

Ideas stay and are reused, but after some time has passed they will fade like rain; they are forgotten.

This is not to say that the ideas or ‘marks’ that fade are invalid or unimportant, merely that they are not immortal.

These ‘mortal’ marks can still change views and impact people; but they may not last forever.

If I were to…

If I were to say it

I might stumble upon my words

But if I wrote it

I would fear it’s immortality

Floral stars- Haiku

Held up high by stalks,

Edges ruffled like dress hems,

Our own floral stars.